Painting at Parra Leagues in Western Sydney

Parramatta Leagues Club in Western Sydney may not be a location typically associated with fine art, but it was today with one of our Picture Perfect team building challenges.

Amongst our many great team challenge concepts, Picture Perfect offers great flexibility to be delivered in virtually any indoor venue, and for group sizes ranging from 5 – 5000.

Teams engage in quality cross-functional collaboration to make many separate canvasses become one masterpiece. The activity is carefully designed to mirror real-world constraints and can bring to life many aspects of team dynamics.

We have tailored this approach to suit many briefs, and have a bank of wonderful images, as well as the ability to have our artists help craft tailored images representing clients brands, issues and values.

One of the advantages of this team build is that the end result can hang proudly on a wall back at work as a permanent reminder of how communication and collaboration produces great results.

To see more check out the Picture Perfect page here.