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Teams Must Fight Back!

The post-lockdown world is going to be tough for teams and only the best will be able to survive the challenge.

Teams and leaders will face increasing complexity and risk as economies emerge from lockdowns. Recession and other pandemic related issues will demand authentic leadership and strong teams. In such environments, genuine character-based leadership and teamwork is required and not the mere affectations of teamwork that were all too common in the pre-pandemic corporate world. This unfolding scenario will demand the ‘real thing’ for those that wish to get through it.

Our military themed approaches with tailored military insights and approaches for business are of great use to teams in such times. The military trains its people to handle complex unfolding situations effectively and efficiently whilst also inculcating a strong sense of esprit de corps and resilience.

These are traits that will hold any team in good stead in the current climate whether they wear uniform or not.

Our ‘Operation Fightback’ approach features a range of approaches tailored to suit a client’s specific needs. We draw from tools such as individual behavioural profiles, team chemistry reports (using the Belbin Model) and sophisticated workshop and experiential learning methods. Targeted post-event follow through is also key to making the learning stick.

In summary:

Individual and Team Belbin Profiles

Military Themed Workshops and Activities. Indoor and outdoor options that offer useful tools and insights for immediate use.

Targeted Follow-Through

Fun is also an important ingredient for morale building, and so we have plenty of that integrated in such sessions, whilst also ensuring that lasting take-away substance and value is present.

The good news is that teams who put in the work will be well-placed to prosper as opportunities arise. Exploiting opportunity in the midst of chaos is also a valued aspect of military leadership.

Physical and psychological stresses within workplace teams will rapidly harm team performance if left unchecked or to the ‘fluffy’ buzzwords. Team survival for many will now hinge upon just how well real leadership and team behaviours are actually understood and managed within organisations.

Good leadership, mutual understanding, resilience and morale will be mission-critical to team strength. So too, will be making the move beyond trite buzzwords and ‘corporate – speak’ in order to pragmatically address the actual needs of people and teams.

As Sun Tzu said:

“Know yourself, know you enemy and you need not fear the outcome of 100 battles”.

This is to say, better understand your strengths and leverage them whilst also seeking to understand your weaknesses so as to contain their impact. Appraising threats clearly and properly developing and analysing courses of action as a team is also important.

We carefully ‘cherry-pick’ themes and approaches that apply to business, and don’t use overtly physical methods. All concepts are inclusive have low physical impact. It’s more about learning from proven tools and techniques that will actually help day to day at work, and not delivering a boot camp.

In challenging times pragmatic tools that get to the heart of what makes teams and leaders tick is what’s required.

To see more check out this section of our website and give us a call on 1300 731 381 or email .


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