The Sabre Approach to Team and Leadership Development
At Sabre we believe that genuine team and leadership development must be pragmatic. Content is linked clearly with actual work related improvements for individuals and for the team as a whole. Everything integrated into a programme (including the enjoyable experiential content) is focused towards achieving transferable outcomes. Practical business people must be able to see where the outcomes are to be fully engaged and thus we will not inflict “airy fairy” games or “touchy feely” sessions upon professional people within our Team and Leadership DNA approaches.
We use a proven combination of individual and team profiling with pragmatic explanations, discussions and experiential re enforcement to get great results. We have also been doing this since 1988 and so also have the experience to underpin our actions. Improving individual and team execution is the focus.
People will actually walk away with:
Clear and enhanced understanding of self (strengths and weaknesses of own operating style and its impact upon the team).
Enhanced understanding of others (collective strengths and weaknesses as a team and impact upon real world team execution).
Insights and strategies for immediate application at work to enhance execution.
Tools and insights for enhanced tolerance, understanding and ability to work with other operating styles and behavioural contributions.
Insights into maximising strengths and offsetting weaknesses.
Genuine capacity to improve teamwork, communication and relationships at work.
An actual self-driven audit of the team’s strengths and weaknesses with transferrable strategies for implementation back at work ongoing.
We help raise awareness of personal / team and leadership skills and behaviours:
What are they?
When do I use them?
How do I use them?
Sabre helps people and teams:
Establish their own effective operating methods.
Accept the benefits of understanding different operating styles and regular process reviews.
Cope with diversity in teams and ability to deal better with team approaches to decision-making, execution and change.
The Sabre approach:
Uses both experiential and workshop based tools and looks at how teams develop.
Relates team development to leadership, communication and cross-functional behaviour.
Identifies when we actually need team behaviours.
Encourages teams and leaders to develop themselves:
By looking at and knowing their own strengths and weaknesses.
Learning from their own regular process reviews.
Challenging preconceptions and assumptions.
Realising that their operating methods and behaviours can strongly influence their work environment.
Powerful learning experiences:
Our activities and experiences are unusual yet strongly mirror the workplace reality.
The impact of behaviour is clear in every activity to the team and to the individuals within the team.
Learning is memorable and enjoyable.
The theory behind each learning experience underpins and re-enforces the message.
People and teams actually live the learning:
What helped me / us in that situation? - What hindered me / us in that situation?
What were the benefits of changing my / our operating methods?
If we also changed this, could we do even better?
Why don't we do that at work? - Why did we go about it like that?
What made that project successful and that project a failure?
Learning in a non-threatening environment:
Experimenting with behaviour /attempting change with us involves no real business risk.
Successful change arising from these experiences can involve high business payback.
Experimentation is not only allowed, but highly encouraged.
The environment is supportive.
A realisation for team members that there are numerous operating styles other than their own to be aware of day to day.
Learning is relevant and transferable to real world:
Conducted in a clear work related context.
Transferable clearly to the workplace.
Transferable to the individual and teams own operating methods and behaviours.
We make the learning explicit:
By raising awareness levels of behaviours and operating methods.
By recognising that the skills and styles of others may be different from ours but have equal value.