Over the years corporate conferences and meetings have become increasingly time compressed, and so too have the team building activities designed for inclusion into agendas.
The last big line in the sand seemed to be the ‘2 hour’ duration, but requests for one hour are on the rise.
With this in mind Sabre has created some quality one hour approaches, and modified some of our tried and proven concepts to fit into a one hour version.
The reality of course is that compromises need to be made to squeeze activity content into a one-hour slot. With less contact time, team dynamics don’t play out to the same extent, and simplifications have to occur.
Providing the expectations for an hour session are realistic, then they can deliver a high impact and memorable session. If however clients expect too much from a simple one hour format, disappointment can ensue.
So if time is short, but you need some interactive impact we can certainly help out, but if you after lasting impact or more sophistication then 2 hour and half day programmes are more realistic.