Team Building and Leadershipfor Sporting Teams and Clubs

Sporting clubs are increasingsly aware of the impact that individual and collective behaviour has both on and off the field.
These programmes help players become better team members and leaders, and they can also help build better alignment and cohesian within club management and staff.
Sabre has the facilitators, profiling tools, business games / simulations and also the high-level venue contacts to deliver truly unique leadership and team retreats for sporting clients.
A well-designed and delivered retreat can provide a great start for a new team, boost and enhance an existing team or indeed serve as a quantum leap in new and better thinking or offering new ways forward for a troubled team.
These are never an "off the shelf" solution, but rather each is carefully tailored to suit the level of group, the desired outcomes (and of course also the budget).
The needs of each Club are addressed afresh so that approaches can be designed to suit the specific needs, aims and challenges of the various arms of the Club.
We have at our disposal a large “toolbox” of approaches that can be drawn upon to address the team and leadership dynamics across the Club. We can draw upon everything from current team role profiling technology and targeted workshops to powerful experiential “hands on” and action-learning modules. Thus we can carefully progress from the cerebral to more physical styles and adapt to suit the various layers of the Club from the management, admin and sponsors to the actual players at the “coal face”.
Methodologies can be applied as required to deliver…
Team and Leadership DNA sessions for Club management and admin.
Total Club experiences that unite management, admin, players and sponsors.
Tailored player pre season bush retreats and bonding events delivered by experienced former military trainers.
Mid season Club and team boosters
Mid season Club and sponsor networking and engagement activities